Ogalla Life
located in Central and Southern High Plains, initially near Amarillo TX.
July 2022- Present
Ogalla Life, FOAM, dMeter
Jon Ray Creek / upper camp pasture, a few hundred acres with stretch of (ex)intermittent watershed suitable for leaky weirs and/or subsurface and sand dams. Livestock to be excluded for few year initial establishment, install check dam cascade and revegetate riparian, then reintroduce rotational grazing along shoulders.Tecovas springs and creek, a half-mile or so stretch of more or less intact string of wetland pools but suffering incision, sedimented reservoir, gullying and decreasing extent and connectivity of watershed. Focus to control erosion and encourage recharge higher in landscape, for improved spring flows here and along parallel watercourses. Landowner's project with our advisement and consultation, and ability to document and record. Livestock to be excluded from certain pasture and buffers constructed or implemented further downstream, and grazier has committed to more intensive management.Bushland playa, or segments thereof. Early pilot here to focus on strips of playa, exclude livestock and document plant species and recovery - what native seed stock exists in soils, and what interventions if any need be directed towards sedimentation and facilitating connectivity between subsurface and surface waters. Also need fill pitting. City of Amarillo Parks & Recreation department is considering renovating some of their aged park and stormwater infrastructure to more sustainable landscape designs, incorporating native species and transitioning to a string of wetlands vs concrete channels and sedimented dams. They have a specific park in mind to pilot and were excited to hear of dMRV and the potential for collaboration. This is a great option in terms of generating public support and for participatory monitoring and management. Access will be much less limited than sites on working lands.
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